『3人展 ~ 絵画とバレンタインジュエリー ~』 のご案内
昨年12月に銀座にて『3人展 ~絵画とクリスマスジュエリー~』 を開催したところ、青山のギャラリー「CONCEPT JEWELRY WORKS」様から、もう一度是非とのお誘いをいただき、
『3人展 ~ 絵画とバレンタインジュエリー ~』
会 期: 2012年1月31日(火)~ 2月19日(日)
正午~午後7時 (最終日は 午後4時まで)
場 所: コンセプト ジュエリーワークス
〒107-0062 港区南青山 6-11-8 M.A.K.FLAT
メトロ 表参道駅 徒歩12分
Tel: 03 6427 4477
Map http://www.concept-jw.jp/store/store.html
新堀 進
3人展 プロフィル
新堀 進 Susumu Shinbori
絵を描き始めたきっかけは、海外旅行した時、「旅先から絵葉書を描いて送れたらいいな」との思いから。 2005年秋に小学館アカデミー絵画倶楽部に入部。 英国王立芸術大学院で学ばれた「坂田あづみ先生」に師事を受け、現在にいたる。
2009年 南青山ギャラリー SPACEKIDS にて 新堀 進 作品展 「ワインのある風景」開催
2011年 STAGE銀座にて3人展 ~絵画とクリスマスジュエリー~開催
Atelier Hiro
松本浩美 Hiromi Matsumoto
1961年 京都生まれ
大学生・OLのかたわら彫金作家鷲尾健治氏に師事し彫金技術を習得。京都クラフトセンタ等に度々出展。その後、ビーズジュエリー及び彫金作家として製作を始めAtelier-Hiro を立ち上げる。
現在studio crucibleにて製作活動中。
2005年 ギャラリープレンヌ・ビュにて第一回展示会
2007年 UZUKI Designにて第二回展示会
2009年 デザイン・フェスタ出展
2011年 STAGE銀座にて3人展 ~絵画とクリスマスジュエリー~ 開催
五味和代 Kazuyo Gomi
1998年から2009年まで Metal Work Studio SORA にて彫金を学び、現在はstudio crucibleおよび自宅にて彫金活動を行っている。 ブランド名は 「La vita」。 イタリア語で「Life」 を意味する。個性を重視しつつ生活の中に溶け込むジュエリーを提案。 私の作るジュエリーで皆さまの毎日が幸せなものになっていただければ嬉しく思います。
2010年 第26回日本ジュエリーアート展 入選
2010年 square garden 3 千駄木空間
2011年 STAGE銀座にて3人展 ~絵画とクリスマスジュエリー~開催
Business Life Lessons Learned From the Movies
"Business Life Lessons Learned From the
Following essay was posted to monthly magazine "Staff Adviser " home page.
I may be someone who watches a large number of movies compared to other people of my generation.
I count the number of movies I watch in the theater in a year. Last year, it was 43. Two years ago, it was 47.
I like action and romance films.
I also like movies featuring business enterprises.
It is a very useful reference for me in my work to watch scenes from movies representing the way business negotiations are carried out, the way meetings are held and conversations between those in senior positions and their subordinates.
featuring corporate downsizing:
I watched a movie
on DVD this New Year’s holiday.
It was “Up in the Air”, which was released two years ago.
The movie deals with corporate downsizing.
A handsome George Clooney acts as someone who fires people on behalf of other companies.
He is contracted by companies to travel all over the United States by airplane and tell a person that he or she no longer has a job.
His goal is to reach ten million frequent flyer miles.
Aggressively taking full advantage of outsourcing is a typical element of American management.
The employee who
has been told they no longer have a job trembles with anger.
Even though they
want to explode in anger, they can't release their frustrations because the
person in front of them is just a contracted employee.
downsizing tasks to outside the company is a great convenience for the boss of
employees to be dismissed and personnel managers because they can dismiss someone without getting their hands dirty.
At that time, the dot-com bubble had almost completely collapsed.
I was the head of a venture company (R Corporation), which had its head office in Silicon Valley in the U.S.
The business in Japan began well by successfully securing a sales alliance contract with a major advertisement agency (D Corporation)
"Our company will be liquidated by the end of next month. Because the planned capital increase fell through the company’s cash reserves have almost run out. Consequently, the business cannot continue in this state."
“The U.S. HQ will
be liquidated” meant that the Tokyo office would be shut down. That is to say,
I myself was to be dismissed. This sudden news upset me very much.
The liquidation of
the Tokyo office didn’t just mean my dismissal, but also the dismissal of the
26 employees in the Tokyo office.
Even now I can’t forget this painful incident.
By comparing life to a backpack, he asks “what are you packing into your backpack?” in his speech.
The title of this movie, “Up in the Air,” refers to an idiom that means “not yet decided” or “no idea at all.”
Someday, we may discover this direction through the people or the events that appear in the movies.
I am going to continue to watch movies as before with an inquisitive mind, always looking to learn new things.
Following essay was posted to monthly magazine "Staff Adviser " home page.
Business Life Lessons Learned From the Movies
featuring business situations are enjoyable:I may be someone who watches a large number of movies compared to other people of my generation.
I count the number of movies I watch in the theater in a year. Last year, it was 43. Two years ago, it was 47.
I like action and romance films.
I also like movies featuring business enterprises.
It is a very useful reference for me in my work to watch scenes from movies representing the way business negotiations are carried out, the way meetings are held and conversations between those in senior positions and their subordinates.
Movies featuring business
enterprises provide me with fresh material from which I can learn about American
Movies that
particularly impressed me were: “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room,” “The
Informant!” and “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.” It was “Up in the Air”, which was released two years ago.
The movie deals with corporate downsizing.
A handsome George Clooney acts as someone who fires people on behalf of other companies.
He is contracted by companies to travel all over the United States by airplane and tell a person that he or she no longer has a job.
His goal is to reach ten million frequent flyer miles.
employees is originally the job of the employee’s boss or the personnel manager.
But they outsource
this nasty and unpleasant job to outside the company.Aggressively taking full advantage of outsourcing is a typical element of American management.
someone and being dismissed:
Dismissing someone
when a company is downsizing causes great pain to those being dismissed. At the same time,
the act of dismissing someone is also usually a very difficult thing to do.
15 years ago, I was
suddenly dismissed.
Moreover, on the
following day, I switched roles and found myself having to dismiss other
employees.At that time, the dot-com bubble had almost completely collapsed.
I was the head of a venture company (R Corporation), which had its head office in Silicon Valley in the U.S.
The business in Japan began well by successfully securing a sales alliance contract with a major advertisement agency (D Corporation)
Without any
advanced notice, the VP from the U.S. HQ showed up at the Tokyo office.
He told me that:"Our company will be liquidated by the end of next month. Because the planned capital increase fell through the company’s cash reserves have almost run out. Consequently, the business cannot continue in this state."
One of my roles as
the head of the Tokyo office was to tell the employees that our office is being
closed and that all of you will be fired by the end of the next month.”
I immediately met
with an attorney and discussed how I should proceed.
Both employees and
I went through a very hard and bitter experience.
However the
liquidation process was somehow completed by the given period. Even now I can’t forget this painful incident.
are packed full of life:
In the movie “Up in
the Air”, there is a scene where George Clooney makes a speech in front of an audience
of people who were fired. He asks the audience: “What’s In Your Backpack?”By comparing life to a backpack, he asks “what are you packing into your backpack?” in his speech.
The title of this movie, “Up in the Air,” refers to an idiom that means “not yet decided” or “no idea at all.”
The movie provides
us with the opportunity to reflect on our own lives. The movie includes a cast featuring
various people that act out many different lives.
We are now living
in chaotic times, searching for the direction we should be headedSomeday, we may discover this direction through the people or the events that appear in the movies.
I am going to continue to watch movies as before with an inquisitive mind, always looking to learn new things.
日本法人の清算となると、私自身だけの解雇ではない。26名いる社員全員が職を失うことになる。社長の私の役目のひとつは、社員に 「来月会社が清算されること、そしてあなたたちは来月末で退職することになります」という事を伝えることでもあった。
印象に残っている映画は、エンロン事件を扱った「エンロン 巨大企業はいかにして崩壊したのか?」、自社の不正(価格協定)を内部告発したマット・デイモン主演「インフォーマント!」、マネーゲームを描いた「「ウォール街」とその続編「ウォール街2/マネー・ネバー・スリープス」などがある。
映画「マイレージ・マイライフ」の中に、ジョージ・クルーニーがリストラされた人達を集めてスピーチをするシーンがある。What’s In Your Backpack? 人生をバックパックにたとえて 「バックパック(リュックサック)の中にあなたは何を詰め込んででますか?」 という問いかけのスピーチだ。映画の原題は「up in the air」。英語の慣用句では、「何も決まっていない」「皆目見当がつかない」といった意味だ。映画の最後の、飛行機から見た雲のシーンがその含意を示唆している。
3人展 ~絵画とクリスマスジュエリー~
3人展 ~絵画とクリスマスジュエリー~
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