
An Unexpected Side to the American Businessperson -- Businesslike and self-assertion are myths. Switching between one's real intentions and their publ

Following essay was posted to monthly magazine "Staff Adviser " home page.

An Unexpected Side to the American Businessperson
-- Businesslike and self-assertion are myths. Switching between one's real intentions and their public face --

●Prejudice against American businesspeople by Japanese people
What are the differences between American businesspeople and Japanese businesspeople? I asked my friends this question and this is how they replied.
1) The American businessperson is businesslike. They clearly distinguish between business and their personal lives.
2) The American businessperson is self-assertive. They are always pushing their opinion.
3) The American businessperson doesn’t switch between their real intentions and their public face.

Most Japanese seem to have this kind of prejudice. However you can tell that it is a stereotypical viewpoint when working with executive level American businesspeople. They are not always businesslike. They actively listen to others. The switching between one’s real intentions and the face one puts on in public is not unique to the Japanese people. American businesspeople also switch between the two sometimes.

●Building communication using one’s own private time
About 20 years ago, I was in charge of PC multimedia projects. I often visited PC hardware and software vendors in the U.S. for the purpose of establishing world standards for multimedia formats. Each vendor had their own intentions, and aspired to include their own technology and patents into the standards.

They had a high motivation and eagerness for their work and didn’t compromise easily. However I encountered something unexpected. After a meeting with U.S. vendors during the day, I left saying, “Well, let’s pick up where we left off tomorrow...” At this point I was often invited “Let’s have a drink together,” or “I would like to invite you for dinner at my house.”

When the meeting would be held after the weekend, I was invited to go golfing or to go on a cruise over the weekend.

They spend their important private time over the weekend or at night for their business clients or partners. Nevertheless, they don’t discuss work at night or on the weekend.

What I learned was: one of most important factors which they use to succeed in business is the human relationship. Building a good human relationship leads to greater business success, they think.

Therefore they are always thinking about how they can build better communication by using not only their time at work but also their private time. They are always thinking of ways to improve communication with fellow employees within the company and their division, as well as with people outside the company.

In the case of company executives, the boundary between one’s business and private lives starts to break down. The person who sits next to you on the plane may be the same person who conducts an M&A business meeting with you the next day. The human relationships which higher ranked executives have are not solely businesslike, but rather mix of one’s private and public face in a good way.

●Mr. Bill Gates is good at praising
It is a common saying that American businesspeople are very self-assertive. Of course, they talk a lot. However, they don’t always talk. The way American businesspeople communicate is by talking a lot, listening actively and giving lots of praise. They make an extra effort to praise others as much as they can.

When Mr. Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft, was in his early thirties, there was a technical meeting with him in Tokyo. It was a meeting in which the Japanese engineers of the company I was working at participated. During the meeting, Mr. Gates kept saying, “It's a great idea! Super!” over and over. In any case, he kept praising the engineers and our ideas by saying “Super!”. Nobody felt uncomfortable by the praise heaped on us by Mr. Gates.

However, he began to give us orders by saying “Maybe we can improve it further by doing this…” Although excellent executives are sometimes self-assertive, they also listen actively and praise others in a clever manner.

●Switching between one’s real intentions and public face is commonplace throughout the world
It was thought that switching between one’s real intentions and their public face is a Japanese person’s specialty. But this is not true. Even American businesspeople switch between the two on occasion. Company executives often invite their subordinates or associates to a Christmas party at their home. The main aim of this kind of party is to promote mutual communication among work colleagues.

When the host is chatting with a guest, even if the guest’s opinion is different from that of the host, the host will never say “I don’t think so!!” in such a social occasion. Usually the host listens patiently to the guest while he talks and he doesn’t give his true feelings away. It is the common rule that the subordinate doesn’t say his real intentions when interacting with his boss in social occasions, even under the influence of alcohol.

We Japanese don’t say our honest opinions to our boss in a free and easy party environment. Likewise American businesspeople with good common sense switch between their real intentions and their public face where appropriate.


日本語 http://www.staffad.com/bilingual/shinbori/shinbori01_ja.html



1) アメリカ・ビジネス・パーソンは、ビジネスライクだ。ビジネスはビジネス、パーソナルはパーソナルときちっと分ける。
2) アメリカ・ビジネス・パーソンは自己主張が強い。自分の意見を常に押し通す。
3) アメリカ・ビジネス・パーソンは日本人のように建て前と本音を使い分けない。



彼らはモチベーションがとても高く仕事熱心だ。ちょっとやそっとの事では妥協しない。しかし、意外なことに出くわした。昼間の会議が終わって、「さて仕事の話の続きは明日に....」と思っていると、「これから一緒に飲みに行こう」とか、「家に夕食に招待したい」と誘われることが良くあった。 週末を挟んでの会議だと、ゴルフとかクルージングに誘われる。






マイクロソフトのビル・ゲイツ会長がまだ30歳前半だった頃、東京で技術会議を持った。私が勤務していた企業の開発エンジニア(日本人)を交えての会議だった。ビル・ゲイツ会長は、その会議でエンジニアに向かって「It's a Great Idea! Super!」を連発。エンジニアや我々のアイデア・発言をとにかく「素晴らしい」といって褒めるのである。ビル・ゲイツ会長に「スーパー! 素晴らしい!」といって褒められると悪い気はしない。しかし、そのあとに「ここをこうしてくれると、もっと良いのができそうだが…」と注文をつけてくるのである。優秀なエグゼクティブほど、自己主張もするが、良く相手の話を聞き、人を上手に褒めるものだ。

本音と建前は日本人の専売特許と思われているがそうではない。アメリカ・ビジネス・パーソンも、うまく使い分けている。エグゼクティブともなると、クリスマスに自宅に部下や同僚を招いてのパーティーを良く開く。職場の仲間同士のコミュニケーションを図るためだ。こういう社交の場では、ゲストと意見交換をしている時、相手の意見が自分と異なっても決して”I don't think so !!" などと言わない。たいていは、辛抱強く相手の言うことを聞き、本音は明かさないものだ。社交の場では、たとえアルコールがはいっていても、部下は上司に本音を言わないのがルールである。日本でも無礼講だからと宴会で馬鹿正直に上司に本音をいわないように、アメリカでも良識あるビジネスパーソンは本音と建前を使い分けている。

Goal setting is the key to success in learning a foreign language. ~Frivolous goals help you improve your language skills!?~

Following essay was posted to monthly magazine "Staff Adviser " home page.

Goal setting is the key to success in learning a foreign language.
~Frivolous goals help you improve your language skills!?~

●Typewriters of the now-defunct Italian company, Olivetti...
Everyone thinks that it would be great if we could speak a foreign language when shopping, asking street directions or when dining out while abroad. But even if we think so, it is not that easy to master a foreign language. Many travelers have a hard time in the countryside of Italy/France, and in Eastern Europe, because communication in English is difficult there.

It was 25 years ago. I had an opportunity to go on a business trip to Italy. It was my first trip to Italy. The IT-related meeting was held at a hotel near Lake Como in the north of Italy. Several companies, such as DEC, Apollo, MIPS,Philips, Olivetti and Sony gathered there. Olivetti had organized the meeting as a company from the host country.

Speaking of Olivetti, it was a very reputable manufacturer of typewriter products. Their product designs were superb and the company’s cultural activities had been very active. At that time, companies like Olivetti and Fiat were considered blue-chip companies in Italy.

As an aside, the other day I asked a young man in his early twenties whether he knows of Olivetti’s typewriters. He said that he did not know. He said that he had never seen a real typewriter, though he had seen them in movies and in magazines. Much less that he had never heard the name Olivetti. Their typewriters are now a forgotten legacy of the past, like Telex products.

●Communication difficulties in English in restaurants in northern Italy
The meeting took place over three days. Although the meeting was conducted in English, I somehow managed to struggle my way through. However once I got out of the hotel, I found that I could not communicate in English. I couldn't read the menu or order a meal when I went out to eat by myself.

When I ate out at a restaurant, there happened to be an English speaking person in the kitchen. He taught me about Italian dining. He said, "You should not order a caffe latte at dinner. caffe latte is only a morning drink.

In Italy, espressos are always served from the afternoon. The only people who order caffe latte at dinner time are Americans or tourists." When eating my dinner, butter was not served with the bread. I asked "Can I have butter?”. To which he replied, “Butter should not be served with bread. Butter should be used in the kitchen. Bread should be dipped in olive oil.” I was shocked when a pizza with a very thin crust came out as I was used to pizzas with thick crusts. He said, "A pizza with a thick crust is American pizza. It is not Italian pizza. We don’t call that pizza"

Now Italian dining is popular all over Japan. We are not put off by thin pizza or olive oil. However, everything was a learning experience for me at that time. After having such an experience, I really thought that I would like to learn the Italian language before my next trip to Italy so that I could order a meal in Italian.

●Frivolous goals help people increase their motivation to achieve them...
On New Year’s Day 4 years ago, I made a plan for a trip to Italy in autumn. My destination was Parma. Parma is a town located an hour and a half south of Milan by train. The town of Parma is famous for its food culture with Parma ham and Parmesan cheese ,two well-known products of the region. They say there are many gourmet restaurants. Hidetoshi Nakata is a Japanese soccer player who used to play for Parma F.C., the local soccer team.

I made a resolution to have private Italian lessons, in order to visit Parma in the autumn. Mr. U, a tall, good-looking 28 year old young man, was assigned as my private Italian teacher. He told me that he came to Tokyo one month ago after studying Japanese art in Venice University.

When starting the lessons, I mentioned my goal of learning the Italian language to him. “I am going to Parma for 10 days this autumn. I would like to eat gourmet meals. I would like to enjoy small talk at the restaurant and order food and drink in Italian."

Mr. U confidently replied, “Alright. Leave it to me..." Then he suggested an additional goal to me. That was, “Trying to strike up a conversation with the ladies in the street is considered good manners in Italy. Let's see if you can reach a level where you are able to strike up a conversation with the ladies.” I saw no reason to oppose his suggestion. It would be great to see my Italian rise to such a level.

With this, the lessons with Mr. U started. Lessons lasted 90 minutes starting at 10 am on every Saturday morning. The lesson continued up until just before I left for Parma. If a student has a specific goal, the goal will push him further to improve. And the teacher can find supporting the student to be very rewarding. He also taught me Italian not appearing in the text book.

●Goal achievement levels need to be evaluated
So how was my Italian after taking private lessons for 8 months? I arrived in Milan after transferring from my flight from Japan. From Milan city, I rode the train to Parma. I entered a small cozy Italian restaurant in the town. I ordered a salad, a pizza and a beer, as it was lunch time. Of course, I ordered my meal in Italian. I also managed to hold a small conversation with the people at the restaurant, saying such things as "it’s a fine day today, isn’t it...!"

I boastingly looked over my wife’s face who was sitting to my side as if to say, “I did it! My Italian is the result of 8 months of private lessons. It’s pretty good isn’t it?" My wife opened her mouth and told me, “This pizza costs too much..."

Anyhow, I could achieve one of my goals in the restaurant. It was then that I was awaiting my chance to try and attain my other goal, which was, "To try to strike up a conversation with the ladies in the street." However my wife was constantly sticking to me for fear of getting lost and I lost the opportunity to try my new abilities out. If I had said "Why don't you go shopping for brand goods?” she might gone out by herself. It was a matter of great regret, but as they say, hindsight is 20/20. However even if I could have achieved my other goal, my practical Italian lessons may have ended up being very expensive by way of having a massive credit card bill from my wife’s shopping come later on.

In any event, it is important to have a goal when learning a foreign language.

目標設定能力が語学学習成功のカギ! ~ちょっと不真面目の目標が上達する?~

月刊誌スタッフ・アドバイザーのウェブサイト海外ビジネスコラム(Bilingual)に以下の記事を執筆しました。 日本語 http://www.staffad.com/business/shinbori07.html







たまたまあるレストランでは厨房に英語が少し話せる人がいた。そして、イタリア式食事について教えてくれた。「夕食にカフェラテをオーダーしてはいけない。カフェラテは朝飲むものである。午後から飲むのは,イタリアではエスプレッソと決まっている。カフェラテを夕食後にオーダーするのは、米国人と観光客だけだ。」と。 パンと一緒にバターが付いてこなかったので、「バターが欲しい」と言うと、「バターはパンに付けるものではない。厨房で料理に使うものだ。パンに付けるのはオリーブオイルだ」という。生地が非常に薄いピザが出てきたので、ビザはてっきり厚いものだと思ってビックリしていると、「厚い生地のピザは米国のピザだ。あれはイタリアではピザと呼ばない」と言われた。





U先生は「わかった。まかしとけ!!」と胸をたたいた。さらに先生から、こんなことも目標につけくわえたらどうかとの提案があった。それは「イタリアでは街を歩いている女性に声をかけるのが礼儀である。女性に声をかけられる位の会話レベルになろう。」 私にとって、もちろん反対する理由はない。それくらいのレベルまでにイタリア語をうまくしてくれるなら本望というものだ。



私は、隣に座っている家人の顔をちょっと自慢げに見た。「どうだ! 8カ月の個人レッスンで学んだイタリア語だ。まんざらではないだろう」という表情をして・・・。すると家内が口を開いた。「随分と高いピザ代についたわね・・」との返事だった。

レストランでのイタリア語会話は目的を達したので、もうひとつの目的「街を歩いている女性に声をかける」を実践しようと心待ちにしていた。 しかし、迷子になっては大変とばかり、いつも家人がそばにくっついていたので、試す機会がなかった。



Tell me your story

Following essay was posted to monthly magazine "Staff Adviser " home page.

"Tell me your story"

●Story embedded in a pair of tennis shoes:
If you are a tennis fan, you probably know the name Monica Seles.
A US woman tennis player, she won the French Open at the youngest ever age of 16.

In 1993, she was stabbed by an attacker during a tennis match.
She was seriously injured in the back.
It took more than 2 years for her to be able to play on the court again.

At that time, I was in charge of marketing at Nike Japan.
Nike decided to introduce a pair of tennis shoes featuring Monica Seles.

The shoes contained our wishes for her quick recovery and return to the tennis court.
In marketing this product, we decided to appeal the story behind the shoes, rather than emphasize the shoes’ performance.

The story behind of the model featuring Monica hit a cord with tennis fans.
By virtue of this story, these tennis shoes turned out to be a great hit.
Weaving a story into a product is called "Story Marketing".
It is a marketing technique which attaches added emotional value through a ‘story’ on top of the value of the product as an object.

●Storytelling generates sympathy and emotion :
This form of storytelling is applied not only to ‘objects’ but also to people.
In October, I had an opportunity to attend the conference which was held by the "International Coach Federation".
I met with a HR manager of a US corporation.
She mentioned that she asks applicants "Tell me your story!” when interviewing them.

Talking about oneself is a form of ‘storytelling’.
When storytelling people talk about a turning point or an actual experience in their own lives.
"Storytelling" also involves talking for 2-3 minutes about such things as prior struggles, times where you turned things around from disappointment, hard-earned achievements and what you learned from them etc.
According to this HR manager, storytelling is a very useful way to learn other people's views on life and sense of value.

Here is one example of storytelling:

“I was working at a measuring equipment manufacturer as a sales representative. My sales performance had not been favorable. My sales results were the 5th lowest among 12 sales people.
One Friday I was tasked with trying to find the cause of a malfunction of one of our products with workers of a customer’s factory by working holidays, overtime and all through the night, with the permission of my boss.
On Tuesday, 4 days later, the cause of trouble was proven to be the poor quality of the parts, and they were immediately exchanged.
This had caused a lot of trouble for Company A, but due to this trouble, I could forge a stronger relationship with Company A, one of our clients.
My sincere attitude seemed to be well appraised.
From this I gained confidence in myself.
I found myself visiting customers more often, and as a result of this, I had a newfound interest in sales.
My sales results improved and I received commendations for my work.”

Like this, a story further engages the reader/listener by including specifics regarding the matter actually experienced or how change occurred.
In order to formulate this kind of story, it is important for people to look at oneself objectively and make a conscious effort to improve one’s abilities.
People who do not have an awareness of the issues surrounding them do not make good storytellers.

There was an article on ‘storytelling’ in a recent issue of the US magazine “Forbes”.
“How storytelling spurs success”
The article told of the importance of storytelling in advancing one’s career.
It also included tips on how stories should be constructed.

Good stories often induce laughter, tears, sympathy and other emotions.
The data and information on a PowerPoint slide cannot catch the hearts and minds of your audience.
Storytelling is like creating your own personal episode of the NHK TV program “Project X”.

I told my wife about storytelling.
My wife says: “I can tell why your storytelling has the ability to fully move others.” “I have a lot of source material from which I can tell your stories because I have seen your failure, disappointment and discouragement many times over.”
“It’d surely deeply move people and give them confidence.”

I’ll have to find a way to put a zipper on my wife’s mouth.
It’s a good thing that there is no family interview when applying for a job, unlike an interview at a private elementary school.



日本語 http://www.staffad.com/business/shinbori06.html
英語 http://www.staffad.com/business/shinbori06_02.html





社員を採用する際の面接では、「Tell me your story」「あなた自身の物語を聞かせてください」と話すとのこと。

自分の物語を話す事をストーリー・テリング(Storytelling) と言う。





このように自分自身で体験したことを具体的に、何がきっかけで、どう変わったのか というような事が含まれているとより共感を呼ぶストーリーになる。 そのためには、自己を正しく認識し、評価し、より向上しようという意識をもつことが大事である。 なにも問題意識をもたない人にはストーリー・テリングは語れないのである。

「How storytelling spurs success」(ストーリー・テリングは成功に導く) 

